The best solution is to cut them off. Do not engage them in any way. There is nothing for you to gain by continuing a relationship with these people.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
I need help in dealing with a toxic family member!!!!
by hoser ini have a close family member who is a pro in using shame to try to make me feel bad.
they are coming to stay at my place soon and the issue of me and mrs hoser not attending/ doing field service will come up no doubt.. i need some advice on how to deal with this because whenever i deal with these relatives they make me feel worthless.
it is probably part because they are jw's and jw's motivate by fear and guilt.. .
Announcement made about me
by KariOtt inhubby informed me that an announcement was made to his congreation not to approach us when we are out together.
this was done at his request.
another way he can control me i guess.
finally awake
If he has a bible study with an elder, he is in trouble. Elders do not study with active dubs unless there is a problem. Being allowed to give student talks on the school doesn't mean that he is not on the naughty list.
How Cold is it Where You Are?
by PYRAMIDSCHEME inwith the polar vortex swirling further and further south and breaking records how cold is it where you are?.
here in gettysburg pa last night night we hit a low of -4 degrees but we were blessed with some wind that dropped the wind chill down to -22..
finally awake
We've got snow and yesterday's high was 2 F. Today it hit 12 F! We are in SOuthern Illinois
We shall dress with modesty (1Tim2:9), why dress like rich lawyers or wealthy financiers?
by Mr Fool inin my point of view, modest clothing is simple and humble.
so why are jw-men dressed like they own a big company or are challangers to the president post?
finally awake
I have a professional job, I often work with business owners, attorneys and CPAs. I very rarely encounter a man in a suit or even wearing a tie. Women are rarely dressed in suits either. The most common attire for women seems to be a sweater and slacks, or a golf shirt and jeans. Men usually wear golf shirts and dockers or jeans. There are lots of places where the entire workforce is wearing tshirts and jeans. The borg is so outdated it isn't even funny.
marriage without affection/sex/touching
by zeb inyes thats my situation.
some where along the path of life the wt guilt trip was dumped on our marriage and we havent had sex for years.. anyone else?
the hearts and flowers and gifts and doing the cleaning, the house work and paying the daily accounts never being drunk on drugs playing the horses or screwing others yep its all there but nothing coming back due to the wt guilt trip.. they made so much of 'oral sex' and 'pornea' incorrectly quoted at that and ventured thereby into areas they were patently very ill equipped to comment on.
finally awake
Inability to perform is different than lack of emotional intimacy or non-intercourse physical affection. I think that a healthy relationship can withstand the inability of one partner to perform certain sexual acts, whether due to medical issues, mental health issues, or simple personal distaste for certain acts. A marriage cannot withstand one (or both) partners checking out emotionally. At that point, you are just roommates and the relationship begins dying. I don't know if it's possible to force or even entice the checked out partner to re-engage.
I just binned all my meeting clothes.
by quellycatface ina bit rash but very necessary.i never really liked them anyway..
finally awake
I never had clothing just for meetings. I just work my normal work clothes. I still have most of them and wear them regularly. I actually prefer skirts to dress pants. My kids don't own a single piece of dress up clothing anymore though. I ditched most of their suits ppretty quickly, and they've outgrown the rest. Just Ron still has a couple of suits, but they only get worn to funerals and the rare fancy dinner.
Fat Girls Guide to Life book
by love2Bworldly inanyone read the "fat girl's guide to life"?
i am reading it right now and finding it pretty interesting.
it makes me think outside the box a little bit about how much money is spent on products for people to lose weight, and how much money saturates the market and influences so much of the media.. the author's attitude is one i try to have-- exercise, be balanced in eating habits, drink water, take nutrition supplements, and don't obsess over dieting & what the scale says or about other people's judgements toward my weight.. right now, i already know why i am overweight-- i am eating to deal with my bipolar issues.
finally awake
perhaps it's better to eat and be happy with a shorter life than to continually deny oneself the food one wants to eat and live a long life of longing and hunger...
I can't believe how sexist the Borg is!!!
by quellycatface injust letting off a bit more steam.
why can't sisters look after the library or the sound.
what makes the brothers so damned special???.
finally awake
When I was in, I was glad to not have to be in charge or give talks. I didn't even really want to be on the ministry school. I had too much else on my plate to want any extra responsibilities. However, I woud have been the logical choice to handle the bills and the money - no one else there had any training in bookkeeping or accounting, and I would have been scrupulously honest and diligent. Sadly, I lacked a penis so there just wasn't any way I could be trusted with any responsibility.
Suggestions for car buying
by FlyingHighNow inif you were a lady and you were 55 and had $5,000 or less to spend on a used car, what would buy?
top concerns: good mpg; reliable; in not having major issues like ball joints breaking, timing belts breaking, etc.
not too expensive to maintain.
finally awake
I would suggest staying with a car not more than 10 years old. My car is a 2000 Buick, and it's really hitting the end of its life. I have 240,000 miles on it though, so I can't complain.
So done with expectations and waiting for 'when it happens'...
by Bruja-del-Sol inok, i haven't introduced myself properly.
sorry for that, but i just never feel like i've got something really interesting to say.
so i rather respond on topics of other people.
finally awake
It is so hard to make a new social circle from scratch as an adult, no matter the reason. I wish you good luck and happiness in the new year :)